Design Doc so far
Prologue: Zoramites Become Lamanites
Nephite Campaign
Lamanite Campaign
Zarahemnah vs Moroni
Note: The 1st guy to surrender to Moroni ought to be Lehonti. That’d give him a reason to be stubborn later Note: soundtrack like FFT’s level where Delita is on the bridge |
Title of Liberty
Note: Could do this one like Starcraft where when you touch an army of a particular color the join your team |
Helaman preaches ----------------------------->
Dissention prologue
Flee from Moroni
Note: make this like Starcraft’s levels where you have to get from x
to z but you can’t build any base. Or sort of Tower Defense-esque
Onidah: Rally >x Lamanites
Note: could also do this like the touch an army and they join you
Antipas (Lehonti joins you)
Note: Could do that before you can go you have a requirement, gather
x men, gather x riches to present as a gift, etc. Then rally at the top without
getting noticed?
Movie cutscene? Killing/replacing the king
Prepare Lamanites to War
Note: not a gathering people mission. But could be a preparatory
mission, get x guys before time limit, remove “key dissenters”?
Moroni prepares people to be faithful
<--------------- Contrast
their dark preparations
Build Forts
Note: Do this in the style of you have a timer for 10/30 min then the attack begins |
Ammonihah avoided, Noah attacked
Note: Lehi is a character here
Note: perhaps do the level where the base is set up and you’re just
managing people, with an uber base, win condition no deaths and < 50 ppl
Note: show the contrast “Amalickiah did not care for the blood of his
people” either in a cutscene or else on a later level
Note: Need to find which key characters would be in which
places, perhaps not only those explicitly mentioned; read between the lines
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